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A Framework For Adding Value Through Data Management

Key Takeaways:
  • Learn about the pillars of data management.
  • Learn how to manage risks from data in your organization.
  • Learn about the roles and responsibilities involved in data management.
Wednesday, July 10, 11AM ET
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Great data management is the secret to the success of many data teams. To efficiently use data, you need to care about data quality, integrity, and accessibility. In addition, to avoid disasters for your organization, you need to care about resource optimization, data security, and regulatory compliance.

In this session, Sharon, a Data Scientist at Central Bank of Kenya, explains the pillars of effective data management, the roles of leaders and data practitioners, and how data management fits into a wider data governance program.

Presenter Bio

Sharon Omwega Headshot
Sharon OmwegaData Scientist at Central Bank of Kenya

Sharon Omwega is an experienced data scientist who leverages advanced analytics, and crafts data-driven solutions that optimize product development, streamline operations, and yield measurable ROI. Sharon’s expertise extends to data governance and data management, ensuring the integrity and accountability of information assets. Employing a collaborative approach, Sharon champions analytics-backed decision-making across all organizational levels to drive informed and strategic outcomes.

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