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applying data science

Data Science & AI Code-Alongs

From data visualization to AI, code-along with experts as they solve real-world problems. Work your way through an entire project with the help of a screencast, so you never get stuck.
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Become an AI Developer

Taught by instructors from:

Building AI Systems with OpenAI & LangChain

Master the OpenAI API & LangChain packages and build AI proof of concepts along the way.

Richie Cotton
Introduction to Large Language Models with GPT & LangChain

Richie Cotton

Olivier Mertens
Prompt Engineering with GPT & LangChain

Olivier Mertens

Korey Stegared-Pace
Building Multimodal AI Applications with LangChain & the OpenAI API

Korey Stegared-Pace

Developing AI Applications with GPT and Pinecone

Combine the power of Pinecone vector databases and the OpenAI API and build chatbots with long term memory.

All Code-Alongs

Data Analysis

Predicting Hotel Booking Cancellations in Python

Learn to build a machine learning model that predicts hotel cancellations

Filip Schouwenaars

June 22, 2022