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Marketing Analytics in Google Sheets

Learn how to ensure clean data entry and build dynamic dashboards to display your marketing data.

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4 Hours15 Videos56 Exercises
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Course Description

In the dynamic field of digital marketing, proficiency in tools like Google Sheets is indispensable. This course begins by introducing the foundational aspects of Google Sheets, particularly focusing on its relevance and application in marketing. We address a common challenge faced by marketing professionals: maintaining the integrity and cleanliness of spreadsheets, especially when they are collaboratively used and constantly updated by multiple parties. The course starts with the basics of spreadsheet management, setting the stage for more advanced techniques.

Data Cleaning and Validation Techniques

As we delve deeper, the course shifts focus to the crucial skills of data validation and the use of regular expressions. These are powerful tools that every marketing analyst should master. We will explore various strategies to ensure data accuracy and consistency, crucial for making informed marketing decisions. Practical exercises will involve spotting and correcting errors in key metrics, utilizing data validation techniques. We will also learn how to effectively use regular expressions to organize and aggregate campaign metrics, a skill vital for handling large and complex marketing datasets.

Visualizing Data and Creating Dashboards

The final part of the course is dedicated to data visualization and dashboard creation. After ensuring our data is clean and well-organized, we will learn how to translate this information into insightful charts. These visual tools are essential for analyzing campaign performance and conveying findings in an easily digestible format. The course culminates in a comprehensive project where participants will apply all the learned skills to create a dynamic and interactive marketing dashboard. This hands-on experience will prepare you to handle real-world digital marketing datasets and derive actionable insights from them.

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In the following Tracks

Intermediate Google Sheets

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  1. 1

    Data Validation for Clean Data Entry


    In this chapter, you will explore the data validation options that Google Sheets offers to aid in clean data entry. You will also learn about the Bing and Google Ads paid advertising data you will explore throughout the course. After this chapter, you will be able to create spreadsheets that can be used by any number of people, without having to worry about disorganization.

    Play Chapter Now
    The importance of clean data entry
    50 xp
    Test your knowledge
    50 xp
    Fix the errors
    100 xp
    Contribute to the data set
    100 xp
    Create dropdowns from lists
    50 xp
    Mitigating campaign name errors
    50 xp
    List from a range
    100 xp
    List of items
    100 xp
    Validations using cell criteria and checkboxes
    50 xp
    Text validation
    100 xp
    Check the checkboxes
    100 xp
    Putting it all together
    100 xp
  2. 2

    Regular Expressions

    In the digital marketing world, naming conventions may differ among paid advertising campaigns or ad groups, which poses a problem when the user wants to analyze campaign performance. Regular expressions can help match certain strings, replace parts of strings, or extract a portion of a string. In this chapter, you will learn to use regular expressions, along with Google Sheets' built-in functions REGEXMATCH(), REGEXREPLACE(), and REGEXEXTRACT(), to reorganize and aggregate data with ease.

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  3. 4

    Build a Paid Search Campaign Dashboard

    In the final chapter, you will be tasked with building a paid advertising dashboard that can be dynamically filtered by both source and campaign name. After completing the chapter, you should be able to tackle almost any data mitigation or dashboard creation project that you, or your boss, may think of!

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In the following Tracks

Intermediate Google Sheets

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Collaborator's avatar
Chester Ismay
Collaborator's avatar
Amy Peterson


Intermediate Google Sheets
Luke Pajer HeadshotLuke Pajer

Digital Marketing Specialist

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