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Snowflake vs AWS: Choosing the Right Cloud Data Warehouse Solution

Discover why Snowflake and AWS are the top cloud data warehouses. Compare their unique features, limitations, and pricing to find the best fit for your needs.
Jun 2024  · 13 min read

In today’s data-driven world, businesses are racing to leverage the power of cloud data warehouses to harness vast amounts of data in order to gain unprecedented insights for strategic decision-making. 

At the forefront of this revolution stand two formidable titans: Snowflake and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Whether you're a seasoned expert or a newcomer to these cutting-edge technologies, this comprehensive guide is your ticket to understanding which is best for your business. 

Join me as we compare Snowflake versus AWS, unraveling their nuanced differences, uncovering their shared strengths, and empowering you to navigate the complexities of cloud data solutions with confidence and clarity.

Why Are Cloud Data Warehouses Important? 

Cloud data warehouses are crucial because they offer scalable, flexible, and cost-effective solutions for storing and analyzing large volumes of data. They enable businesses to derive insights from their data without the need for significant infrastructure investments or maintenance. With the ability to handle complex queries and large datasets efficiently, cloud data warehouses have become the backbone of modern data analytics. 

If you are totally new to the concepts of cloud infrastructure, you can learn more about the subject with our comprehensive Data Warehousing course.

What Is Snowflake? 

Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehousing solution that provides a fully managed service designed for modern data needs. It offers unique architecture, allowing for the separation of storage and compute, which enables flexible scaling and efficient resource utilization. 

Snowflake supports various data types and provides robust performance, concurrency, and simplicity, making it a preferred choice for many data-centric organizations.

Snowflake key features and services

Let’s explore Snowflake’s key features:

  • Unique Architecture: Snowflake's architecture is designed to separate storage and compute, allowing independent scaling of each. This means you can scale up compute resources to handle heavy workloads without affecting the storage capacity and vice versa, ensuring cost efficiency and performance optimization.
  • Multi-Cloud Capabilities: Snowflake is a multi-cloud platform, available on AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. This flexibility allows organizations to leverage their preferred cloud provider or distribute their data warehousing needs across multiple clouds for redundancy and regional optimization.
  • Data Sharing and Collaboration: Snowflake offers a unique feature called the Snowflake Data Marketplace, which enables secure and easy data sharing and collaboration across different organizations and ecosystems without the need to copy or move data.
  • Automatic Scaling and Management: Snowflake provides automatic scaling of compute resources based on workload demands. This elasticity ensures consistent performance without manual intervention. Additionally, it requires minimal administrative effort, with automated tasks like tuning, backups, and updates.
  • Support for Diverse Data Types: Snowflake supports structured and semi-structured data, including JSON, Avro, Parquet, and XML, enabling seamless ingestion and querying of varied data types without the need for complex transformations.
  • Robust Security and Compliance: Snowflake ensures data security with end-to-end encryption, advanced access controls, and compliance with industry standards like HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and SOC 2 Type II. Its secure architecture is designed to meet stringent security requirements of modern enterprises.

Snowflake use cases

Now, let’s take a look at common use cases:

  • Data Warehousing and Analytics: Snowflake is optimized for large-scale data warehousing and complex analytical queries, making it ideal for organizations with significant data analysis needs.
  • Data Integration and ETL: With its support for various data types and integration with ETL tools, Snowflake simplifies the process of consolidating data from different sources into a centralized repository.
  • Real-Time Data Processing: Snowflake's architecture allows for real-time data ingestion and processing, making it suitable for use cases that require timely insights and up-to-date analytics.

What is AWS? 

Amazon Web Services offers a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services, including its data warehousing solution, Amazon Redshift. AWS is known for its extensive ecosystem, providing a wide range of services that integrate seamlessly. Amazon Redshift is designed for large-scale data warehousing, offering high performance, scalability, and integration with other AWS services.

AWS key features and services

Let’s explore the key features of AWS:

  • Broad Service Offerings: AWS provides a vast array of services beyond data warehousing, including compute (EC2), storage (S3), machine learning (SageMaker), database (RDS, DynamoDB), and more. This broad portfolio allows businesses to build complex, integrated solutions.
  • Infrastructure and Global Reach: AWS operates on a global scale with a vast network of data centers in multiple regions worldwide. This ensures low latency, high availability, and disaster recovery capabilities.
  • Scalability and Performance: Amazon Redshift, the data warehousing solution on AWS, is designed for large-scale data analytics. It offers high performance through its columnar storage and advanced query optimization techniques, and it can scale both storage and compute independently.
  • Pricing Model: AWS offers a flexible pricing model that includes pay-as-you-go and reserved instances, providing cost efficiency for different use cases and business needs.
  • Integration and Ecosystem: AWS services are designed to work together seamlessly. For example, Amazon Redshift integrates with S3 for data storage, AWS Glue for ETL (extract, transform, load), and Amazon QuickSight for business intelligence and analytics.
  • Security and Compliance: AWS provides robust security features, including encryption, identity and access management (IAM), and compliance with various regulatory standards. This ensures that data is protected and meets industry-specific requirements.

AWS use cases

Now, just as we did for Snowflake, let’s take a look at common use cases:

  • Data Warehousing and Analytics: Amazon Redshift is optimized for large-scale data warehousing and analytics and it is more than capable of handling complex queries and large datasets.
  • Machine Learning and AI: AWS offers comprehensive machine learning services like Amazon SageMaker, which can be used alongside Redshift for predictive analytics and AI-driven insights.
  • Application Hosting: AWS provides the infrastructure to host applications, whether they are simple websites or complex, distributed applications, benefiting from its reliable and scalable architecture.

Snowflake vs AWS: Similarities

While Snowflake and AWS are distinct platforms, they share several similarities, making them both strong contenders in the cloud data warehousing market.


Both Snowflake and AWS offer scalable solutions that can handle growing data volumes and increasing query loads. They provide mechanisms to scale storage and compute resources independently, ensuring optimal performance.


Both platforms are designed to deliver high performance for data processing and querying. They use advanced optimization techniques and architectures to efficiently handle complex queries and large datasets.


Snowflake and AWS prioritize security, offering robust security features such as encryption, network isolation, and access controls to protect sensitive data. They comply with various industry standards and regulations to ensure data security and privacy.

Snowflake vs AWS: Differences

Despite their similarities, Snowflake and AWS have several differences that set them apart. Understanding these differences can help you choose the platform that best fits your needs.

Snowflake uses a unique architecture that separates storage and compute resources, allowing independent scaling for flexibility and efficiency. Its consumption-based pricing model offers cost savings for varying workloads. Snowflake is also known for its simplicity. It features automatic scaling and a quick setup, making it easy to use even for those without extensive cloud expertise.

AWS's Amazon Redshift combines storage and compute, providing strong performance but requiring careful planning for scaling. Its pricing model, with on-demand and reserved instances, suits consistent workloads but is less flexible for fluctuating usage. Redshift offers extensive control and customization, ideal for users with specific tuning needs, but requires more expertise and hands-on management.

Let's document the differences in a table.

Feature Snowflake AWS
Architecture Separates storage and compute, allowing independent scaling. Storage and compute are tightly coupled, requiring more careful scaling.
Pricing Model Consumption-based, paying for compute and storage used. On-demand and reserved instance models, less flexible for fluctuating workloads.
Ease of Use Simple to use, zero management overhead, automatic scaling, quick setup. More control and customization, requires more expertise and manual configuration.

The Impact of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the data landscape, enhancing the capabilities of cloud data warehousing solutions like Snowflake and AWS. Both platforms integrate AI to optimize performance, provide advanced analytics, and support sophisticated machine learning (ML) models, further enhancing their value propositions.

Snowflake and AI 

Snowflake leverages AI through its integration with Cortex, an AI and ML platform designed to simplify and accelerate the machine learning lifecycle within the Snowflake ecosystem. Cortex AI enables data scientists and analysts to build, train, and deploy ML models directly on Snowflake, utilizing the platform’s scalable and high-performance data processing capabilities.

By using Cortex AI, users can automate feature engineering, manage model training, and operationalize ML models without the need to move data out of Snowflake, ensuring data security and integrity. Snowflake's architecture supports seamless integration with various AI and ML frameworks and tools, such as DataRobot and, enhancing the ability to conduct advanced analytics and derive actionable insights from data.

Additionally, Snowflake employs AI algorithms for automated performance tuning and query optimization, dynamically adjusting resources, predicting workload demands, and optimizing query execution plans. This results in efficient and cost-effective performance, reducing the need for manual intervention and allowing users to focus on deriving insights from their data.

AWS and AI 

AWS offers a comprehensive suite of AI and ML services under its AWS Machine Learning portfolio, which includes Amazon SageMaker, AWS Lambda, and AWS Deep Learning AMIs. Amazon Redshift integrates with these services, allowing users to leverage AI for advanced analytics and model training directly on their data warehouse.

Amazon SageMaker, for example, enables data scientists to build, train, and deploy ML models at scale, with tight integration with Redshift for seamless data access. AWS also provides pre-built AI services, such as Amazon Comprehend for natural language processing (NLP), Amazon Rekognition for image and video analysis, and Amazon Forecast for time series forecasting, which can be integrated with Redshift to enhance data analytics capabilities.

A Detailed Comparison

In this section, we will compare Snowflake and AWS on specific features, providing a side-by-side analysis to highlight their strengths and weaknesses. Specifically, we will evaluate each based on their user interface, data integration, performance optimization, and security.

User interface

Snowflake offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface and seamless integration with various data tools. AWS features a rich but complex interface and strong integration mostly focused on other AWS services. 

Winner: Snowflake, for its easier to use and more straightforward interface.

Data integration

Snowflake supports a wide range of data formats and sources, easy integration with ETL tools, and native support for semi-structured data. AWS provides extensive support for various data formats, robust integration with its ecosystem, but requires additional setup for some data types.

Winner: Snowflake, for its native support and simplicity in data integration.

Performance optimization

Snowflake offers automatic performance tuning, separation of compute and storage for efficient scaling, and high concurrency support. AWS provides manual and automated performance tuning options, but its coupled architecture requires careful resource management.

Winner: Snowflake, for its automatic optimization and high concurrency.


Snowflake provides end-to-end encryption, role-based access control, and compliance with industry standards. AWS offers comprehensive security features, integration with AWS security tools, and compliance with multiple regulations. 

Winner: Tie, as both platforms offer robust security features.


Snowflake uses Cortex AI for optimization, simplifying AI use. AWS has a large portfolio of AI services and integrates with Redshift.

Winner: Tie, as both platforms are making good use of cutting-edge technologies in their respective areas. 

Summary table

Category Snowflake AWS Winner
Scalability Independent scaling of storage and compute Scalable but with coupled architecture Snowflake
Performance Automatic tuning, high concurrency High performance, manual tuning available Snowflake
Pricing Model Consumption-based On-demand and reserved instances Snowflake
User Interface User-friendly Complex but feature-rich Snowflake
Data Integration Wide support, easy integration Extensive support, requires setup Snowflake
Security End-to-end encryption, role-based access Comprehensive, integrates with AWS tools Tie
AI Cortex AI for optimization Large portfolio of AI services Tie

Final Thoughts

In my opinion, Snowflake stands out for its ease of use, flexible architecture, and automatic performance optimization, making it an excellent choice for organizations seeking simplicity and efficiency. Its unique architecture, which separates storage and compute, allows for independent scaling and efficient resource utilization. Additionally, from my experience, Snowflake’s multi-cloud capabilities and robust data-sharing features provide versatility and ease of collaboration across different platforms and organizations.

AWS, with its extensive ecosystem and robust security features, is ideal for businesses deeply integrated into the AWS environment. Amazon Redshift, as part of AWS, benefits from seamless integration with a wide range of AWS services, allowing for comprehensive solutions that leverage the full power of the AWS cloud. In my opinion, Redshift offers high performance and scalability, although I often find it requires more manual management compared to Snowflake. The extensive security measures and compliance certifications of AWS make it a strong choice for organizations with stringent security and regulatory requirements.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your specific needs, workload patterns, and existing infrastructure. From my experience, organizations already invested in the AWS ecosystem might find Amazon Redshift to be the most cohesive and powerful solution, while those looking for a user-friendly, highly scalable, and multi-cloud compatible data warehouse may prefer Snowflake. 

If you’re looking for a comprehensive introductory resource on Amazon Web Services, check out our Introduction to AWS course. Alternatively, for specific questions, you might want to check out our tutorial, Introduction to S3. Finally, if this article has interested you to explore Snowflake, then I’d recommend DataCamp’s Introduction to Snowflake course as an excellent place to start. As well as our detailed guide: Snowflake Tutorial For Beginners.

Photo of Gus Frazer
Gus Frazer

Lead BI Consultant - Power BI Certified | Azure Certified | ex-Microsoft | ex-Tableau | ex-Salesforce - Author

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main differences between Snowflake and AWS for data warehousing?

The primary differences lie in their architecture, pricing models, and ease of use. Snowflake separates storage and compute resources, offering flexibility and cost efficiency, while AWS's Amazon Redshift couples these resources, requiring more careful planning for scaling.

Which platform is more cost-effective, Snowflake or AWS?

Snowflake uses a consumption-based pricing model, which can be more cost-effective for businesses with variable workloads. AWS offers on-demand and reserved instance pricing, which may be advantageous for predictable, consistent usage but less flexible for fluctuating demands.

How do Snowflake and AWS handle data integration?

Snowflake supports a wide range of data formats and sources with easy integration, particularly for semi-structured data. AWS also supports various data formats and integrates well within its ecosystem but might require additional setup for certain data types.

Is Snowflake or AWS better for performance, scalability and Integrations?

Snowflake is generally favored for its automatic performance optimization and the ability to scale storage and compute independently. 

AWS provides high performance but requires more manual tuning and resource management due to its coupled architecture. In terms of integration with other platforms, AWS stands out with its extensive ecosystem and seamless integration with a wide range of AWS services and third-party tools, making it a preferred choice for businesses already invested in the AWS environment.

Which platform offers better security features, Snowflake or AWS?

Both Snowflake and AWS offer robust security features, including encryption, authorization, access controls, and compliance with industry standards. AWS integrates with a broader array of its own security tools, while Snowflake focuses on simplicity and ease of use in its security implementations.


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